
08 April 2012

happy zombie-Yeshua day 2012

Many generations ago, there lived a man whose mother was a virgin. He suffered trials and tribulations; he was sacrificed in a horrible fashion; he died and was buried; and after three days of being dead, legend says that he rose back to life. His contemporaries looked upon him as the son of god, and some even saw him as god. This man's name was Osiris, and his story was told, in Egypt and across the Mediterranean, hundreds of years before common error.

On this beautiful spring day, I should like to encourage the reader to think about those things which are not often thought about, to seek truth in all matters, and to sing with me the praises of Oestre, the voluptuous fertility goddess from whom Easter gets its name (and its randy bunnies and bursting flowers). May your body be fertile, and your partner willing.

場黑麥 ioanni elymucampus fecit

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