
26 February 2015

birds of spring

Soon there will be laughing the new birds of Spring with whom we shall dance and shout, frolic and sing. Their plumages will dot the lingering snow, their voices will lift and make our spirits glow, their long wintry silence now comes to an end – please do welcome with us our feathery friends.

© americanifesto / 場黑麥​

23 February 2015

god of thunder

Oh great god of thunder whose deep peals now shake the souls of the innocent, making them quake and cry out for mercy and beg sue for pause – we welcome your coming and give you applause. You send the fast lightning that springs from your ax that all our tall buildings and trees does attack that delights onlookers and lights up the sky while with rains you wet our fields, leave nothing dry. The ancients they called you by different names, by Djophat and Thiruur and He Who Light Tames, which echo your majesty glory and might; they prayed for your blessings to help with their plight. Now we of Grigovia once more erect a shrine in your honor, ask you to protect our small mighty nation from all of the foes whose threat to our sovereignty day by day grows. All hail then this mighty and life-giving power whose force we now measure in kilo-watt-hours; please ask him to return to our tiny land and help us in making our valiant stand against foul imperialists, Ynki and Rus, who are e'en now planning their demon to loose.

© americanifesto / 場黑麥

18 February 2015

come quickly anon

Now up from the caverns come quickly anon – the battle for Grig is not over or won. Now take up your rifle now grab you a knife, now arm you your children your mother your wife, and send them forthwith to the trenches to fight through bright sparkling day and through long darkest night. Remove quick from each of those foreign devices the battery, hardware, and surveillance license allowing such spies as are used by Ynki to track what you're doing to watch what you see. Our dear hard-won freedoms for which we gave much must now be protected from forces that clutch and grab at and tear down our defensive walls – if we act together we'll prove we have balls. If not though mere slaves to the Ynki we'll be and chained to their whimsical senseless decrees and bombed by their airborne death-dealing machines – mocked, despised, and ridiculed, hated, demeaned. When we fight aggression both here and abroad we garner eternal ancestral applause and honor the sacrifice our fathers made when they and our mothers refused to obey the dictates of massed and imperial brutes whose aim was to poison our deep-tendriled roots. We've taken our case before United bodies and met with our enemies in their own lobbies and sued them for clemency mercy and peace to which they however responded like beasts and sent through the wires that connect us all a whole host of viruses – damn them their gall! So now to the ramparts we dutifully march in processions piercing our victory arch once more now for glory be sure to reload come one and all defend our humble abode.

© americanifesto / 場黑麥

08 February 2015

ten foreign firms

Full three score decades seven years in the past was Grig liberated from danger, at last. That was when the remnants of ten foreign firms were shown to our borders (those wide earthen berms). These foul corporate entities had until then diluted our waters and poisoned our fen had pulled from the earth many mountains of gold had enslaved our man-folk both youthful and old. These firms had headquarters in lands far away where most of their profits and our wealth did stay, they paid but a pittance to some greedy chaps who cared not if their siblings ate or collapsed. These rank politicians had worked with the Huns when for all of Europe their quest had begun, they used cruelly stolen and ill-begot gains to get re-elected again and again. Then after the cease of armed hostilities did our strongest legions return from o'erseas and promptly with fighting at home they began against these intrusions to take a brave stand. The Wellspawn is Watching; their bold slogans went, and: Pay Out A Living Wage Taxes And Rent; and: Hands Off The Yiptlong – It Is OUR Massif; to which many foreigners answered aggrieved with complaints and missives submitted to court and threats that they'd call in some nasty cohorts. Soon main streets and avenues across the land were choked up by babushkas who would then stand and block every truck carrying fine pay-dirt with limbs linked together and knives in their skirts. The drivers of these trucks were quickly replaced with others who had no affection for our nation's mothers but who were contractors both hard-faced and cruel who heeded not our own but a foreign rule. One driver got angry and mowed down a crowd was pulled from his cabin by women in shrouds was taken to a cell to sit and to wait for judges and lawyers to discuss his fate. He confessed to being a corporate spy and fingered some highly-placed government guys whom we drove from office the very same night to Justice's lasting and constant delight. Reforms were then passed to keep greedy thieves out, to bar them from entering this high redoubt, after which the people of Grig and the like did witness and revel in livelihood spikes which saw every citizen content and pleased to live lives devoid of poverty's disease.

© americanifesto / 場黑麥

05 February 2015

least to lose

There is an old saying among Yaelong tribes: do business with he who pays the biggest bribes then turn 'round and prop up those whose need is vast for then you'll be wealthy in honor and cash. In this way they've helped keep our nation this free, by using their caches of quick blood-money to nurture a friendship and love for the poor who will then too gladly repay them, in scores. The persons with least to lose have most to gain; their methods are simple and honest and plain; they make due with little and pick up used goods that the more affluent just toss into woods. When items that still have some utility are simply discarded sans ceremony their worth is then wasted unless they are saved by persons called cur wanker peon or slave. These then use such items in ways other won't, and see in them value that rich persons don't, and raid them for pieces to fix other things or strip them of parts to mend weld repair dings. This raw ingenuity is an ideal that's shared by the Yaelong for they also feel that in modern cultures and ones long ago when people got lazy they suffered the blows of foreign invaders who simply walked in to harass and murder neighbor sibling kin. The Yaelong they sleep often under the stars and avoid the confines of brothels and bars and wander the hillsides as if homeless too with burrs in their britches and stones in their shoes. In this way they scout monitor check the routes that could be exploited by bloodthirsty brutes who'd come in and take from the sons of this land the daughters and riches now Grigovian. To rid oneself of lust temptation and greed; to practice obeisance to the common need; to craft in the head-space a temple to Right – these factors will help us to maintain the lights that shine from within the torch of Liberty and stand as a beacon for mankind to see.

© americanifesto / 場黑麥

03 February 2015

weighty and fraught

One things that enables the Wellspawn of Grig to act with a power both outsize and big is a wide-spread system of social communes that meet in halls streets alleys and living-rooms. The people who volunteer in these small clubs are mostly good citizens, oftentimes shlubs – regardless they sit down together and talk, outlining conclusions with pen-ink and chalk. They discuss the needs of both neighbor and not as well as some issues more weighty and fraught with risks to the fabric of life in their 'hood; they seek not to do harm but the greatest good. They plan local gatherings, setting the dates, when all who live close-by can party 'til late and rejoice in living under such a plan that's open for everyone to lend a hand. There's traffic-controllers and those who make sure that social divisions do find a swift cure, there's people who roam through the dark streets at night who bring back lost children and help break up fights. The standards set forth by these ohmba'ahndjar allow us to be safe from foes near and far, allow us to stay closely bound to each other and care for our feeble and sick dads or mothers. We control ourselves and only call police when there is a serious social disease like racist attacks on minorities who appear to some simpletons foreign and new. Other than when great evil raises its head and threatens to make friend and neighborhood dead do we seek assistance from forces without; until then we figure our own business out.

© americanifesto / 場黑麥

01 February 2015

taken to test

Unearthed in a meadow not far from Brouhm Square was a tattooed mummy who'd still lots of hair. Some samples were taken to test whence she'd come, through high-tech machinery these were then run were peered at and prodded and sequenced until a whole new library the results could fill. They revealed that hers was a life short but clean, that she'd eaten well and possessed of the means to keep maintain protect her short-statured self for she did appear to have died in good health. Her DNA matched that of a local clan who gladly conceded to official plans that called for more studies of flesh kit and bone after which her remains would be returned home. She'd stumbled (on accident?) into a bog, did then get her ankle trapped under a log, was pulled deep down into the cold sticky ground, twas not till much later that she would be found. Among her belongings were tackle and bow, were flint-stone and snowshoe, a dozen arrows, a cloak made of rabbit fur, necklace and socks, and strange crystal fragments packed in a pine box. Her tattoos were those of some stars and a moon, three figures arranged in a telling cartoon, a deer without antlers and many straight lines that ran from her neck-bones down to her behind. Her hair shone like amber, might once have been black, her bosom was ample (she'd likely been stacked), her hips bore the tale of a child or two, and she wore a good pair of finely made shoes. After she had been scanned from head-crown to feet the Yaelong were told that the tests were complete; they picked her up gently, with due solemn grace, and laid her to rest in their most holy place.

© americanifesto / 場黑麥