
08 February 2015

ten foreign firms

Full three score decades seven years in the past was Grig liberated from danger, at last. That was when the remnants of ten foreign firms were shown to our borders (those wide earthen berms). These foul corporate entities had until then diluted our waters and poisoned our fen had pulled from the earth many mountains of gold had enslaved our man-folk both youthful and old. These firms had headquarters in lands far away where most of their profits and our wealth did stay, they paid but a pittance to some greedy chaps who cared not if their siblings ate or collapsed. These rank politicians had worked with the Huns when for all of Europe their quest had begun, they used cruelly stolen and ill-begot gains to get re-elected again and again. Then after the cease of armed hostilities did our strongest legions return from o'erseas and promptly with fighting at home they began against these intrusions to take a brave stand. The Wellspawn is Watching; their bold slogans went, and: Pay Out A Living Wage Taxes And Rent; and: Hands Off The Yiptlong – It Is OUR Massif; to which many foreigners answered aggrieved with complaints and missives submitted to court and threats that they'd call in some nasty cohorts. Soon main streets and avenues across the land were choked up by babushkas who would then stand and block every truck carrying fine pay-dirt with limbs linked together and knives in their skirts. The drivers of these trucks were quickly replaced with others who had no affection for our nation's mothers but who were contractors both hard-faced and cruel who heeded not our own but a foreign rule. One driver got angry and mowed down a crowd was pulled from his cabin by women in shrouds was taken to a cell to sit and to wait for judges and lawyers to discuss his fate. He confessed to being a corporate spy and fingered some highly-placed government guys whom we drove from office the very same night to Justice's lasting and constant delight. Reforms were then passed to keep greedy thieves out, to bar them from entering this high redoubt, after which the people of Grig and the like did witness and revel in livelihood spikes which saw every citizen content and pleased to live lives devoid of poverty's disease.

© americanifesto / 場黑麥

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