
03 February 2015

weighty and fraught

One things that enables the Wellspawn of Grig to act with a power both outsize and big is a wide-spread system of social communes that meet in halls streets alleys and living-rooms. The people who volunteer in these small clubs are mostly good citizens, oftentimes shlubs – regardless they sit down together and talk, outlining conclusions with pen-ink and chalk. They discuss the needs of both neighbor and not as well as some issues more weighty and fraught with risks to the fabric of life in their 'hood; they seek not to do harm but the greatest good. They plan local gatherings, setting the dates, when all who live close-by can party 'til late and rejoice in living under such a plan that's open for everyone to lend a hand. There's traffic-controllers and those who make sure that social divisions do find a swift cure, there's people who roam through the dark streets at night who bring back lost children and help break up fights. The standards set forth by these ohmba'ahndjar allow us to be safe from foes near and far, allow us to stay closely bound to each other and care for our feeble and sick dads or mothers. We control ourselves and only call police when there is a serious social disease like racist attacks on minorities who appear to some simpletons foreign and new. Other than when great evil raises its head and threatens to make friend and neighborhood dead do we seek assistance from forces without; until then we figure our own business out.

© americanifesto / 場黑麥

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