
27 January 2014

on natural defenses

Our redoubts are lofty, our tunnels are deep, we don't threaten lightly or snore in our sleep. Winds from the Arctic pole make the skin chill, often they sicken and sometimes they kill. Our children get lessons, they learn how to fight, they know deprivation, they see by star-light. We learn them in history, tactics, and art, the path of the warrior they take from the start. Now on to our landscapes, the ones that impede, the progress of burdened beast and mounted steed. Deep are the gullies and sharp are the crags, that slow down invaders and cause them to lag. Hampered by driving rains and sudden squalls, our enemies falter, our foes quickly fall. Our Dunes swallow parties, our Swamps and Bluffs too, our insects and vermin still carry the flu. To this add the labyrinths underneath Grig, the ones that have taken us lifetimes to dig, then throw in the weather and flora and such, and understand why no one dares bothers us much. You're welcome if you mean no innocents harm, we kick out imperialists who spin yarns. So long as you're honest, though, come as you are, to glorious, peace-loving Grigovia.

© americanifesto / 場黑麥

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