
15 August 2013

Ynki-proofed data

Now hear ye all hackers, from far and from near, come store with us data files, emails, and gear. We protect our servers from Ynki intrusion, with firewalls, blind-loops, and other solutions. We safeguard your messages, intel, and drops, we stonewall all queries, especially cops'. Our farms they lie buried, in Grig's tunnels deep, watched over by robots that never do sleep. Our coding is some of the finest around, for we just rebuilt it on up from the ground. Sign-up it is shrouded and name-less to boot, we won't check your ID or go through your loot. So stop by and set up your own cloudy hoard, or proxy in via the network of Tor. We welcome all comers, and curse Western eyes, your data is safe from flood theft mold and spies. Our website is ynkiproofdata.gv, sign-up is encrypted, anonymous, free. We're quick alert brash brave fun relaxed and clever, you'll not want to leave but to stay for forever. Huzzah.

mentiri factorem fecit – 場黑麥

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