
25 October 2015

pixies and tricksy

The miners were braver than most of the rest for they ev'ry day-round would give it their best. Despite many pixies and tricksy cobalt that labored their labors to hamper and fault the men in their hard-hats the men with their picks would pry precious morsels that in rock-veins stick. Then women came working to make up the balance when in our harsh wartimes were needed the talents of strong bulging muscles and engineer-wit to get our small nation back out of the shit. Then many young ladies did learn of the stuff that gives people rock-smart and elbow-grease guff and they left for fronts to our west and our east the horrors of combat to lessen and ease. They fought in the trenches and dug a few more and helped then win every subsequent war and mix with the laddies still unto this day when it's time for war-games to pick up and play.

© americanifesto / 場黑麥

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