
07 October 2015

honor to burn

Their clamor of squawking and anger did rise when they heard that she had cracked open her thighs. It was not their business to be so concerned or with their foul rumors her honor to burn or with their foul talking to tarnish her name but that was their boring, too-often-played game. So duly they gathered to spittle and heave and repeat the lies that they'd come to believe and question her virtue and puff themselves up and call her tramp hooker whore harlot and slut. They were a rank stupid and venomous bunch and on some cold hatred they'd happily lunch then take it back home and then vent it on they who in darkened pantries would hide everyday. One morning they gathered to hash out and spit all of their new stories and much old bullshit but then the young maiden whom they did despise came walking right to them and stared in their eyes. 'I love you all dearly,' she said with due calm to which they reacted with fear and alarm but she did continue with words soft and true and merely just stand there was all they could do. 'I've heard all the rumors you've spread about me and that you think I should just pick up and leave but I will not do that for I've not done wrong despite what you say to all who come along. I love you regardless and thank you for talking and will now keep going on my morning's walking and hope you will keep spinning your hateful tales of my fleshy weakness and my moral ails.' With that the young lady did venture away and done were the lies if only for that day – for hatred needs more than a few loving words for it to be flushed out with the other turds.

© americanifesto / 場黑麥

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