
24 March 2015

our good health

From sands in the east to deep muck in the west from wide southern plains to its northernmost crest our land is gray taupe verdant ocher basalt but we love its soils whatever their pall. With swamp-rat mountain-goat plains-goose desert-fox as well as fine salmon (that provides us lox) in every corner and every place has our fine Grigovia always been graced. On hill and in valley stream river and tree do we find abundance that makes us wealthy not with heaps of money but with something else – with freedom and foodstuffs to keep our good health. We know to be careful and not take too much to harvest only what our own limbs can clutch to leave for the children who are yet to come such bounty and riches that cannot be won that are righteous blessings sent down by the gods who smile upon us and buoy our odds. All hail then the Watchers who dole out the goods who wander our alleys and flit through our woods who knock on our door-jams when we least expect who've been known to meddle and to interject their whim and their fancy on we who must die on everyone from magnate to little guy. Their end-goal is shifty their methods are slick they make the lame healthy the solipsist sick they're here for the long haul and shall be endured and praised with the kindest and softest of words. We thank them here now and with this simple text we know not to fear what must need to come next for we trust the judgment of those we can't see to maintain the balance twixt you him and me.

© americanifesto / 場黑麥

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