
18 March 2015

from many trees

There was of a sudden a light in the sky that with a great speed through the heavens did fly that buzzed many rooftops and finally found an end to its travels in our marshy ground. The object was metal and dried up the turf and let up much steam from its not-too-deep berth for its had been a long wide trajectory and it had clipped many tops from many trees. As soon as it had cooled enough to be took it was swiftly loaded up onto a truck and hauled to a room at the Circle of Knowledge where it was then probed weighed examined and polished. Its secrets discovered its origins too it was forthwith set up within its own booth where children from near and experts from afar could come to marvel at this bright falling star. Since it had descended during the twilight it gained of the nickname Twixt Even and Night which was soon adopted Grigovia-wide to lift up our spirits and buoy our pride.

© americanifesto / 場黑麥

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