
03 November 2015

call and chase

In high wooden timbers there live many creaks and they have been at it for thousands of weeks. They squeak and they shudder they won't go away they sound out their presence from night-time to day they aren't going nowhere so best never ponder from whence they did come from whence they did wander. To ease their shrill speakings best set out a plate of honey and water upon a heat-grate and watch as this mixture does soothe all their wants and lessen their burdens of their homely haunts. Or live with them peacefully hoping they'll call and chase away many a weak sickly pall for they have been known with their talking to ease most any a phlegm-filled rheumatic disease. Keep you right on creaking we welcome you here and laugh when you tickle and thrust at the ear you creaks in the attic you creaks on the stair – huzzah for all creakings most everywhere!

© americanifesto / 場黑麥

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