
03 October 2014

but rather resigned

The signals got mixed up (the wrong ones were sent) so that when the telegram finally went there were no recipients, no one to sign, not one soul to scribble on the dotted line. The fools who had written it sat back ashamed for there were no underlings left they could blame, but rather resigned to their sure, coming fate decided to sleep in, to slumber 'till late. The staff at Grigovian Anti-Spion had that day declared all its battles to've won; it did this to flush out foul enemy spies by tricking them into text-messaging lies, by fooling them into sending telegrams, by scheduling meetings on boats, trains, and trams. In this tricky manner were great numbers caught, more than the planners originally thought, so that our fine country is safe once again, at least from those traitorous women and men – who knows whom our enemies to us will send.

© americanifesto / 場黑麥

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