
01 September 2017

housecat yawns sleepily

Visibly tired from doing absolutely nothing during the previous day but eat, sleep, and void her bowels, local housecat Pebbles yawned, just now. Pushing her whiskers forward as the nictitating membranes below her eyelids shot quickly back, the lazy feline wrenched her lower jaw downward as the tendons in her neck pulled mightily at the skin of her face. The maneuver completed, Pebbles licked her chops, looked around the room for a moment, then flipped partly upside-down and went back to sleep.

Earlier in the morning, Pebbles had draped herself across the floor in front of the door to the room of the first person to usually wake up, hoping to ambush him as soon as possible. Upon having guessed right, the cat loosed a garbled meow, sprang to her feet, then ran back and forth in front of his feet in an apparent attempt to lure him into following her to her food dish, which was however already part full. Upon finding dry food in the dish, she settled in to eat some of it, forgetting that anything or anyone else existed in the whole Universe.

Before going back to sleep for the seventh time in two hours, she spent a few moments staring at a wall, then licked her own asshole clean for an entire quarter hour.

americanifesto / 場黑麥 / jpr / urbanartopia / whorphan

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