
22 July 2011

on mixing races

  When discussing the procreative mixing of the races of humankind among themselves, I have often heard said that the children of such unions are somehow inferior. Additionally, the following phrase is often used in context: "If god wanted the races to mix, he wouldn't have made them different," or something similarly absurd. (If you think that some specifically male god is tinkering with every aspect of your life, or that the Force That Cannot Be Conceivably Named only prefers people with a specific lack of melanin content in their skin, I suggest you read The Way Of Myth, by Joseph Campbell, and switch your places and methods of worship.)
  Firstly, there are no distinct races among the many cultures of humankind, for we might all mate with one another and, so long as the mating is between a male and a female, produce viable and healthy offspring. (Nothing against homosexual mating – it simply produces no offspring. In fact, we find homosexuality in various species of animal, such as seagulls, porpoises, and certain primates [see here], which means that homosexuality is a natural condition of certain animals, humans among them.)
  Secondly, there is no scientific proof whatsoever that mixed-race children are in any sense inferior to their supposedly less-mixed counterparts. (Mainland Europe was invaded numerous times by strange and foreign tribes who passed along their genes to those exact people who now consider themselves, by some insane form of reasoning, somehow more pure than others.) American children of mixed race can in fact more easily find their place in our overly race-conscious society (see here), which, if anything, would indicate that they are more flexible and adaptable than individuals who are supposedly (but who only superficially appear to be) less mixed.
  Thirdly, recent scientific research into the genetic codes of various far-flung peoples suggests (see here) that the ancestors of all peoples, besides those residing in or otherwise stemming directly from sub-Saharan Africa, mixed with that supposedly separate race we know today as the Neanderthalers. Hence, indigenous sub-Saharan Africans are the only truly pure humans left on Earth – all others are descendent from troglodytes with thick foreheads, myself included. (Perhaps that is why I have such strong bones, pronounced eyebrows, and shifting tempers.)
  The human body is remarkably adept at shutting down and aborting the growth of invalid fetuses. Invalid fetuses are sometimes (see here) the result of too little genetic diversity between the genomes of the parents, not of too much genetic diversity. (If you want to bear valid offspring, find a person as far removed from yourself as is genetically possible and take them out to a nice dinner.)
  We can look at a number of populations throughout the world that show signs of significant genetic diversity (at least based on physical appearance). People in the Republic of Georgia, Afghanistan, and the other 'Stans (see here for a list, for pictures here and here) tend to exhibit the genetic telltales of the numerous invading armies that have over time passed through their lands. In these countries, you find individuals who have lighter skin and lighter hair related to individuals with darker hair and slanting eyes related to individuals with dark skin and significantly slanting eyes (I am not trying to be racist by using the term “significantly slanting eyes”). If there were something biologically wrong with the mixing of the races, the populations of the aforementioned countries would have either long ago died out, or we would be able to detect major and chronic diseases attributable solely to the (inherently racist) theory of genetic fouling through genetic mixing. (The infant mortality rates in these countries [see herehere] tend to be somewhat higher than those in the West due to insufficient medical care during and beyond pregnancy [no data – that one is deductive reasoning].) Based solely on the continued existence of the Afghan and Georgian peoples, we can now put to rest the idea that mixing among the races is in any way biologically unsound.
  If you do hear anyone implying that mixing the races is bad, kindly remind them that it is bad only in their own minds, that they are making assumptions based on ignorance and Fear of The Unknown, that by mixing with one another we are in fact broadening the strenght inherent to the genetic diversity of our children, and that Nature, in all her ingenuity, continues to prove them wrong.

Never rest. Always doubt. Demand liberty.

Ultima Ratio Regum - 場黑麥 John Paul Roggenkamp

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