
26 May 2011

dollar stores = commie outposts

  As of today, 25May2011, millions of Americans are directly supporting the People's Republic of China, America's primary economic competitor and one of the sole remaining bastions of the socialistic worldview. All across our nation, in cities great and small, from the rolling central plains to the rugged western coastline, countless numbers of American citizens contribute directly to the ascending might of the Middle Kingdom.
  Dollar stores, which sell products ranging from shower curtains to miniature cast-resin busts of zebras, stand at the forefront of the Chinese invasion of, and inevitable dominance over, the American economy. Purchasing an item that reads, Made In China, directly shuttles funds into the rapidly growing Chinese economy (where most of the consumer items sold in dollar stores are made) rather than into the pockets of native-born producers. In the 1980s, the capitalistic-minded oligarchy that holds the vast majority of the wealth in America saw an opportunity to further boost their profits, destroying the manufacturing economy in this country by paying others to manufacture for us. As hundreds of thousands of our fellow citizens lost their manufacturing jobs, they were forced to buy the cheapest products in order to survive; they turned to dollar stores, thus supporting the very people who had taken their jobs in the first place. The capitalistic oligarchy effectively enslaved the American consumer to the whims of foreign nations by shifting production overseas, to free-economic zones that are, in everything but name, slave camps.
  Personally, I welcome our soon-to-be Chinese masters, and would like to say, Ni-Hao-Ma (roughly, Greetings, exalted one). As a Son of the American Revolution, my lineage in America runs deep. I, however, am not blindly patriotic, nor am I inextricably tied to our prevailing economic model, top-few capitalism (in fact I find it intrinsically un-American). I am, however, as of this moment personally boycotting dollar stores, not to harm the Chinese economy, but in quiet mourning for our lost manufacturing economy. Join me if you wish, but know that this choice requires sacrificing a little more money for everyday goods.
  So, remember - if you aren't buying American products exclusively, don't complain about the downfall of America's manufacturing sector; if you truly consider yourself a patriot, buy American.

All hail the wise and benevolent Central Committee!


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