
04 April 2011

Wednesday - day of Wotan

Father Odin, Wotan, Wednesday, you who send the crows to this valley to caw and flit about, sheltering me under their watchful gaze, praise be unto thee. I ask you now, Allfather, to give me wise and generous council on the state of things in my land.
The powerful men here have cast laws that restrict the labors of those who here reside, disallowing the sale of your blessed mead and mandating lesser workable hours during a day not your own, on a day sacred to a different, lesser god. This day they call Sunday. According to the word of their god, Yahweh, as recorded in their holy book, called the Bible, anyone working on this day must be put to death (Exodus 31:12-15 NLT), not in self-sacrifice to you, not dangling from the Worldtree with the spears in his side.
In your honor, oh wise Father, I am preparing to petition the powerful men of the state called The Woods of Penn, to banish labor from your day as well, as any labor on the day we have named in your honor, Wednesday, will reduce the ability of these fine people to sacrifice to you in the proper fashion.
Soon, oh great Wanderer, we shall string up the bulls and dogs and sacrifice them in your name, the mead flowing like water, the heavens stained with the soot of the sacrificial fires. There is a document here, called the Constitution, that was written to keep religious observation separate from the affairs of state. Seeing that laws have been already enacted that violate this fundamental principle, laws that forbid the sale of fine mead and good malted barley on the day of a god who is not you, and who therefore is a false and hollow idol, it only follows that on the day named in your honor, Wednesday, oh Allfather, God of War, great cloaked One-Eye, all labors should come to rest in observance of your power and unending glory.
Please grant me the strength to see this effort through. If the crows cease to frequent these dark and fertile soils, I shall know you favor me no longer.
Lusting for the waters of Mimir's well, my eye quaking for sacrifice, my hand recording the valor and glory of past and fallen heroes, I proceed with your tacit blessing.
All hail Odin, the Allfather, great Wednesday!

Ultima Ratio Regum

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