
05 July 2019

this thunderous Thorsday

Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, founding father of the Republic of China. Was born on November 12, 1866. One of the greatest figures in China’s long history. He not only gave the Republic its physical being but also provided the nation with the three principles of the people as guidance in its reconstruction.
Los Angeles Chinatown Corporation
Dedicated to the Chinese pioneers who participated in the constructive history of California.
Los Angeles Chinatown business council rededicated June 28, 2008
Dedicated June 25, 1938
(Both feature items are located in Chinatown Central Plaza, Los Angeles, CA.)
[americanifesto - 場黑麥 - jpr - urbanartopia - whorphan]

28 June 2019

The Triumph Of Civilization

The Triumph Of Civilization and her accompanying sphinxes are located inside the Los Angeles Central Library, at the top of the formal marble stairs above its 5th Street entrance. Created by Lee Lawrie primarily of marble and copper, The Triumph Of Civilization stands thus: holding in her left hand a spear that’s resting on a turtle and topped by a lit beacon; holding open in her right hand a book inscribed with ancient Greek lettering; wearing on her head a crown featuring the Bear & Star flanked by two winged angels; wearing down the front of her chest a copper banner depicting in ascending order three Egyptian pyramids, a trireme coastal vessel, a Neo-Assyrian lamassu standing in front of a closed gate, the Acropolis in Athens, Romulus and Remus suckling from the teat of their wolf-bitch guardian, a Chinese-style dragon, Shiva dancing, the frontal facade of Notre Dame in Paris, an American bison, a Conestoga wagon, and the Liberty bell. Each accompanying sphinx braces open upon its forepaws a book inscribed with ancient Greek lettering. The German-born Lee Lawrie also created the sculptures at 30 Rockefeller center, including Prometheus.
[americanifesto - 場黑麥 - jpr - urbanartopia - whorphan]

14 June 2019

12 June 2019


The music is Beethoven’s 7th. The art is located inside 2000 Avenue of the Stars, and the reflected building is 2049 Century Park E.

[americanifesto - 場黑麥 - jpr - urbanartopia - whorphan]

10 June 2019

update 9Jun19

americanifesto and liesmith are changing formats!!!! get ready for experimental short videos of me reading historical placards, discussing current events, or examining ideas my mind finds compelling. part of my focus will be on telling stories of hidden or marginalized people (such as women, immigrants, the LGBTQC community, Native Americans, people whose skin is darker than that of a European, etc.), and I’m switching to video in part so that visually-challenged and/or illiterate individuals can experience a sliver of the world through me. thank you for commenting, liking, visiting, and joining me on this new adventure. jP

[americanifesto - 場黑麥 - jpr - urbanartopia - whorphan]

05 June 2019


Things are looking up!
(Even in times of crisis,
Look up to feel well.)

[americanifesto - 場黑麥 - jpr - urbanartopia - whorphan]

30 May 2019

29 May 2019

27 May 2019


I harvest street art
From dark and dirty places
And my pay is love

[americanifesto - 場黑麥 - jpr - urbanartopia - whorphan]

21 May 2019


On foot as aloft
Be they feeding or flocking
Crows here are awesome

[americanifesto - 場黑麥 - jpr - urbanartopia - whorphan]

20 May 2019


It’s not as if he
Does nothing well, it’s that he Does nothing, but well [americanifesto - 場黑麥 - jpr - urbanartopia - whorphan]

16 May 2019


The few things man needs
Exist in great abundance
Wherever he goes

[americanifesto - 場黑麥 - jpr - urbanartopia - whorphan]

14 May 2019


What drives rich people
To get richer than they are -
Fear, greed, love, lust, pain?

[ americanifesto - 場黑麥 - jpr - urbanartopia - whorphan]

13 May 2019


Stand up for yourself
Laugh so they don’t see you cry
Take no guff from swine

[ americanifesto - 場黑麥 - jpr - urbanartopia - whorphan ]

07 May 2019


The mind can be full
Of either anger or naught -
Either or, not both.

[ americanifesto - 場黑麥 - jpr - urbanartopia - whorphan ]

05 May 2019